Rockstar of the Year Awards
Rockstar Awards Nominations
Thank you for all the nominations!
We will announce the 2024 Rockstars at Recovery Rocks on September 15th!
Recovery Rockstar of the Year
This is a person living a life in recovery who goes above and beyond on a regular basis to encourage and empower others to do the same.
Recovery Peer Rockstar of the Year
This is a person with lived experience who now holds the credential of CAPRC I or II, CPSP or CHW/CRS and either works or volunteers in a peer capacity to help remove barriers that hinder people from seeking treatment and to support others on their recovery journey.
Recovery Professional Rockstar of the Year
This is a person who is employed in the counseling, legal, social work or nursing fields OR as a physician, psychiatrist or psychologist who has developed or improved programs centered around mental health and/or substance use, has an exceptional approach to treating patients that could serve as a model for others or in a professional capacity has been a loud voice for ending the stigma associated with mental health and substance use.
Recovery Ally Rockstar of the Year
This is a person who does not have personal lived experience but is passionately devoted to being an advocate and ally for those who have a substance use disorder, are in recovery and/or have lived experience, along with their families, through vocation or volunteering