Get Involved

Host a Resource Table
Join dozens of local organizations committed to providing recovery-related resources.
Includes 6’ table, black linen tablecloth, two chairs, inclusion on the resource table map, recognition at the event, in resource table social media posts and on event website. Check out the flyer for more details!

Host a Vendor Table
Be a part of our first ever Activity & Vendor tent!
Vendor Tables are for those with recovery-related items for sale. Limited availability, please submit an Interest form to be considered for the event.
Includes 6' table, black linen tablecloth, two chairs, inclusion on the event tent map, in event tent social media posts and on event website resource and vendor page. Check out the flyer for more details!
Sign up early!
Limited number of tables.
The deadline to be included in signage is July 15, 2022

Contact Jennifer Hope by email at jen@themomofanaddict.org.